Traditional Clothing Of Romania

Romanians got an old clothing history and the clothing of rural Romanians hasn’t altered much over the years.

Embroidery, sheepskin vests and hats, colorful kerchiefs, skinny white pants, and so on are all part of the wardrobe staples. There is a wide range of regional dresses. Let’s take a look at traditional Romanian attire and pick out its distinguishing characteristics. A shirt or chemise, pants for men or a skirt-like item for women, a belt, a hat, coats, and accessories make up the bulk of a folk costume.

Traditional Clothing Of Romania

In this article, we will be discussing Romanian people’s traditional clothing.

Traditional Clothes of Romania


The skirt known as a Fota is traditionally made of wool or a wool-cotton combination and is worn wrapped around the waist. This type of embellished pantie cover is the standard.

The warm summer months in Moldova The traditional Romanian garment known as fotă is a striped cloth that is either made with hemp or flax threads. Although many designs in the north may use vertical stripes, the south is where things get really fascinating.

The traditional attire worn in Muntenia is called a fotă, and it is woven and embroidered with geometric motifs. In specific regions of Muntenia, one can frequently find examples of silk Fort woven with gold or silver thread.

Romanian Blouse

On the Romanian blouse, there is a stylized representation of a group of women who are clothed in traditional clothing from Romania. Historically, skilled artisans were the ones responsible for producing ie. A significant amount of time is spent weaving it by women from the neighborhood. The numerous motifs and designs embroidered onto the white fabric each have different connotations in various countries. 

The ever-evolving path that one takes through life is symbolized by the spiral as a design element. In some parts of the world, the wealth or status of a family might be deduced from the quality of the cut and fabric used in their clothing. In general, peasants of all ages and levels of social standing tended to dress in a manner that was less complicated over the course of history.


Another form of traditional dress worn by women in Romania covers their heads when they are out in public. A social purpose was fulfilled because they could only be worn by ladies who were married at the time. The bride’s godmothers are the ones who bestow the Basma or Marama upon the bride.

Southern Romania, Moldavia, and Transylvania are known for their long-standing adherence to the Marama dress. The head covering is customarily worn by women in Romania.


I’ARI Itari is a style of trousers often made of wool and is common in Moldova. During the warmer months, gentlemen often opt for pants made of lightweight cotton.


Men wear cioareci, which are constructed out of wool. Women in the Banat region put on their cioareci whenever the temperature drops below a certain point.

Cioareci is typically worn over boots or shoes in the South and Moldavia, while in Transylvania, they are tucked into boots instead.


Opinci are a type of traditional footwear that is worn in Romania. They are constructed from hemp canvas, wool or felt tops, and wool socks. The first evidence of Romanians clothing in a traditional manner dates back to approximately 2500 B.C.

The Dacians are responsible for leaving behind the opinci, which are now much sought after as keepsakes of vacations spent in Romania. Even in modern times, they are routinely performed during folk dances and other types of national celebrations.


The pieptar is a vest that is often constructed of embroidered sheepskin and can either be worn open or closed. Some are lined with sheepskin so that they can be worn in colder areas. The modern-day equivalent of the pieptar is a white skirt worn over a little vest with embroidery. The vest is worn over the top of the pieptar.


It is the word for a shirt in Romanian, but it should not be confused with a formal shirt. Camasa is typically made of hemp or linen, and it is looser fitting and embroidered than other types of clothing. There are now various solutions available for cotton.

Men will sometimes wear white Camasas for special events. In certain parts of the country, the Camasa is worn over a lengthy peasant coat known as a pieptar.


The name Suman originates from the Bulgarian phrase for a peasant’s coat, which is rendered as “suman” in Romanian. In Bulgarian, the word is spelled suman. crafted by women using weaving and hand embroidery techniques.

People living in rural areas of Romania frequently wear waistcoats made of wool and cloaks made of sheepskin. The design of these pants is knee-length, which is advantageous for both sexes.

Despite the fact that some traditional pieces are unfinished and have rough edges, suman is quite desirable because of their superior quality and one-of-a-kind design.


The caciula, a traditional type of headwear in Romania, is worn on a daily basis. Felt, sheepskin, and straw are the components that go into its construction. caciula, a traditional food item in Romania, can be found in four unique varieties.

The lofty, conical peaks serve as the crowns of Moldavia, Muntenia, Maramures, Oltenia, and Banat. The ceiling is not exceptionally high in the Maramureș region. The Maramures and the Oas both wear hats made from a single fur.

When viewed from above, the top of caciual is significantly larger than the bottom. Shepherds in the southern Carpathians, the Maramureș region, the Bărăgan Plain, and the Dobruja region formerly wore clothing like this.

Final Words

In this article, we have given details information on Romanian traditional clothing. So now you know everything about how you can dress more like Romanian people.

When you are in Romania find some traditional dresses and buy them. They are really beautiful and you will enjoy wearing them.

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